Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Technical Difficulties?

Having problems with a fussy bind off? First time facing the Kitchener Stitch? Want to learn how to make a jogless stripe or join your first garment into the round? TechKnitting to the rescue. Today's blog is one of the best technical resources I have found. Although the blog hasn't been updated for a couple of months, the site's index boasts a cornucopia of How To's. You'll find the index in the right side bar conveniently organized by either Alphabetical Listing or by Subject Listing.

Before your knitting has you pulling out your hair or running for the hills, check out this amazing resource. You should find the help you've been looking for.


Zel, The Grimm Witch said...

Thanks for the link! I haven't heard of this one.

lunaticraft said...

Awesome link! I'm pretty sure I'll get a TON of use out of that.