Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Report Card

Sometimes it feels like I'm back at school, bringing home reports and having my mom sign off on them. All of this work on shawls and stoles sometimes makes me feel like I'm not getting too far so I guess it's good that Wednesday rolls around once a week, giving me a clearer picture of my progress.

When we last saw Hanami I had ripped it out and started over with 16 extra stitches to give a better width. Like all the projects I have to show this week, the pattern has finally kicked in and I'm doing a lot more reading my knitting than staring at the pattern. This is always a plus. I've also gotten farther along in the pattern than I had before ripping. I'm firmly into the third repeat. Only 5 more to go before the transition chart!

Ulmus has been keeping me company, my constant companion and this week's travel and lunch time knit of choice. Unfortunately I cut it very close with the natural sunlight this evening and the pictures of the entire shawl came out too blurry to show. Rest assured, I am progressing at a decent pace, and am very close to being at size Small. Of course I intend to take this all the way to the full 335 stitches, or perhaps wider. We'll see when I get a bit closer. In the meantime, I am thrilled to report that I, at least, am still totally in love with the colors!

Before Ulmus took back control of the needles, I did get in some work on Clapotis. Before I get too close to the end of this hank, I'll have to decide if it I want to keep it going and order one more.

I am quite pleased with the depth of the Hand Maiden Cashbah Ivory colorway. And the cashmere content makes it so luxuriously squishy I almost wish it were Winter! Almost!

Dare I say I worked through the angst we call Endpaper? Is it true I've loosened up, jumped the hurdle and am really, really on my way? The three repeats for the cuff are done. Now it's on to the increase/gusset section. Keep thinking the good thoughts people and this knit may actually get finished!

1 comment:

madstitcher1 said...

They are all so pretty!!!Can't wait to see them finished.