Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Sunshine, All Around

I awoke this morning to beautiful rays of sunshine. No not from the face of the actual sun, rather from the beaming faces of my three favorite people. S, T & N.

My sister dutifully picked me up from the airport last night. The flight actually came in 30 minutes early but the rocky ride and insessant knitting, had left me a bit queasy. And tired. On the way home we also had to run into Long's to pick up some milk. Raising three littles ones isn't easy.

By the time we got home it was getting close to 11. As I rifled through my suitcase looking for my nightgown I came across the Golden Snitch. My sister said to put it on S's pillow. I guess he found it, because when I saw him in the morning he had it in his hands. Another satisfied customer. T has already put in her own request. This time, Donna Child's lamb from the same issue of Knit Simple as Miss Kitty Kat.

I spent the morning dropping off and picking up children. And knitting in Starbucks. My mom and grandma came in the afternoon, and after a livley family we dinner, we made our way back up to Marin.

Thrummed mitten 2 is about 75% finished and I'm ready to start on the gussets for my firestarters.

Oh, and the weather wasn't all that bad. All in all, it was a good day.

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