Friday, August 14, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Just a quickie to say I arrived safe and sound! The fishing trip was a blast and I came close to catching a couple good ones, but one got tangled on a co worker's net and escaped and the other jumped off the hook before I completed reeling it in. It was my first fishing trip so that was ok with me. Besides, what would have I done with the fish since I was going straight to the airport!

All that fresh air made me exhausted. Although prepared with two projects for some airplane knitting I actually slept the entire flight! And I still managed to fall asleep once I got home. I can't tell you the elation I felt as I crossed the Golden Gate bridge! The moon was absolutely stunning, half full and golden yellow, lowish on the horizon. I wish I could have captured it on film to share with you. In true tourist style I asked my mom why the bridge was red and she told me she asked my father the same thing, in earnest, the first time she saw it. For those of you who might expect a gold bridge, it is indeed red! The golden refers to the Golden Gate, the straight that connects the San Francisco bay to the Pacific Ocean. For me, the bridge is a symbol of Home and I am indeed happy to be here.

I'm taking a quick break from the Shabbos cooking now. Challah has been kneaded and is rising away. The soup is up, as is the gefilte fish. Chicken is marinating for a stir fry and the cholent pot is almost ready to hit the stove. Just before I started cooking my sister called to say she and the kids were coming and could I make matzo balls for the soup, so there is still that to do, salads etc. But I'm pretty on track and very excited to see everyone earlier than expected.

I doubt there will be any pictures before I get home, but I hope to take plenty! Especially when I with my dad up to his cabin near Tahoe next week. It promises to be quite picturesque! Until Monday then...

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