Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Socks and the Space Time Contiuum

Time moves differently when you are knitting socks.

Because when you are going round and round and round and round and you wonder if you will ever get to the heel... because once you get to the heel, turn it and make those gussets and then go round and round and round and round until you get to the toe... because once you finish the toe and cast on for the second sock and then go round and round and round and round... Well it feels like it will go on forever.

It's no wonder many of us suffer from Second Sock Syndrome. After miles of stockinette (it FEELS like miles, anyway) on my Peacock Picot socks the thought of doing it again feels a bit nauseating sometimes. The solution: two socks at the SAME time. Now this is nothing new for you experienced knitters but for some of us, it's like discovering the bread slicer at the Super Sol. Ah the good old days...

When you knit both socks at once, once you've finished a section, it's done. You don't have to do it again!
And that makes time go by faster. That's the true magic of the Magic Loop.

Here's as good a close up as I could get of HJ-J's new socks in progress: Gwen.
Yarn: Colinette Jitterbug in Bright Charcoal.
Needles 2.75mm Knit Picks circs
Gauge: 7 sts=1"

I'll be off to Edison for the 4 day weekend (or much of it,) to visit family and get in some quality knitting time. Hope to have much to show Monday morning.

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