Sunday, August 22, 2010

San Francisco Open Your Golden Gate

Greetings to all. I'm having a wonderful time in the cooler climes of the San Francisco Bay Area. I've knit and met with my wonderful knitting friends. I've been to the cabin in Gold Country, where I found the perfect buttons (at last!) for my Vine Yoke Cardi. I went bowling (I can't even remember the last time I picked up a bowling ball!) with my sister, niece and nephews. I came in second! I've done some Ultimate Bargain Shopping with my mom (she is a certified pro - I believe my official certification is in the mail). Tomorrow I plan to walk over the Golden Gate Bridge, something I have NEVER done and have been looking forward to. My Monami is almost finished too! I hope to have some pics to share once I get back, though it's going to be pretty hard actually showing up at the airport...

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